Built to Suit - Village of Pine Knoll Shores, NC

Our client was desperately seeking to fill a major hole and offload capacity from adjacent water tank sites in Pine Knoll Shores.  This dense coastal vacation community on the North Carolina Crystal Coast barrier islands consists of a golf course country club and lots of small parcels with no defined commercial nodes. Nearly 100% developed and available property was zoned residential with no chance of changing the zoning. No suitable rooftop candidates existed along this stretch of the island and it was on the border of competing jurisdictions with adjoining sites both municipal water tanks.  No free standing cell tower have ever been built on this island stretching from Atlantic Beach to Emerald Isle…

case study: BATTLEGROUND

Built to Suit – Greensboro, NC

The site was sought after by at least two wireless carriers over a couple years unsuccessfully.  There are multiple carrier retail stores in the immediate vicinity that did not have good coverage.  The setting is in one of Greensboro’s urban core high traffic and high density commercial areas consisting many small commercial lots flanked by dense residential. The surrounding sites were at capacity.  Our client had exhausted the ring twice over a 2-year period before awarding to us…